“The songs on ‘Tres Clavinas’ represent a wide range of the Judeo-Spanish repertoire. They are ‘sensual and exquisitely performed’.”
Aaron Howard – reviewer for the Jewish Herald-Voice (Houston) June, 2020.
Link to full review:
NBC News article: “Do You Speak Ladino? Meet the Folks Trying to Save a Dying Language”
The language rooted in Spanish with connections to Turkish, Hebrew, Greek, Arabic and other languages is in danger of being lost.

-The Alhambra Sephardic Music Ensemble performs at the 2nd Annual International Ladino Day at the Center for Jewish History. Courtesy Chrystie Sherman /
“The concert by ALHAMBRA was by far the most exciting event in this year’s series.”
El Espectador, Bogotá, Colombia
“An enthusiastic capacity audience welcomed ALHAMBRA for the second of their concerts in the Purcell Room. The variety of moods was remarkable and the improvisations generated a sense of exotic excitement.”
Jewish Chronicle, London, England
“ALHAMBRA’s performance at the 850 Aniversario de Maimonides festival was more than a complete success; it was a show of musical quality not seen here very often.”
Clave de Sol, Córdoba, Spain
“Sunday’s audience was most moved by a skilled and animated presentation of the music of the Sephardic Jews by ALHAMBRA, including some fascinating melodic ornamentation, both vocal and instrumental.”
The Star, San Juan, Puerto Rico
“The music was filled with vivid energy. Ms. Ganz’ singing was graceful, clear-voiced and focused, and her smooth handling of melisma was an instructive lesson in the roots of later Spanish style.”
The New York Times
Alhambra was very well received, and we at Central Synagogue recommend them to any and all Jewish organizations who wish to combine an educational experience with an entertaining one as well. I cannot speak highly enough about the group.”
Cantor Bill Wood of Central Synagogue of Nassau County, New York
“The response of the audience was unbelievable. I heard comments such as ‘it reached my soul’, ‘what high quality of music-making!’, and more.”
Tziporah Jochsberger, Founder and Former Director of the Hebrew Arts School
THE ART OF JUDEO-SPANISH SONG (Alhambra: Global Village Music): “A superb album, both in music and performance; there’s nothing quite like it. This whole album is like a book you can’t put down.”
Inside News of St. Louis